Thursday, September 5, 2013

Markings For Learning Vietnamese

Markings For Learning Vietnamese
00 Work/TEFL/Work/Joy Sanchez: Philippines: English Teacher: Skype: Met at New Star, Bac Ninh, Vietnam: IMO: FB
05 VN Learning

Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
7:50 PM (5 minutes ago)

to Joy

Sáu thanh trong tiếng Việt

Remember the proper and exact tones of the marks (symbols above the Latin/English letters) through the musical notes of the A-B-C song.
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
7:54 PM (1 minute ago)

to Joy
Á = E = the marking above the letter A is the same musical note as the letter E from the ABC song.
The name of this symbol is Sâc

À = P  = the marking above it is in the same note as the letter P from the ABC song.
The name of this symbol mark sounds like wing and is spelled huyền

Monday, September 2, 2013

VN Employment Pattern

I did NOT come to Vietnam for love. I did not come to volunteer. I did not come as a tourist. I did not come for education. I came to Vietnam on Thursday, the 29th of November 2012, back 9 months ago, to work.

After 5 days of work, I was fired (or never hired nor paid). After that, i was without work and stuck in Vietnam with no money, friends, bed, home, ability to talk to people who don't speak English, food (apart from a certain provision), or job for 3 months.

I was without work for 3 months until March 2013.

Then I had work for 5 months until mid-July 2013.



See the pattern?

Work for 5 days, then no work for 3 months.

Work for 5 months, and then no work for how long?

And then, what is next in this pattern?

Work for the next 5 years strait, now?

Original Oatmeal. Oatmeal English. Marilyn Mitchell. Rick Arnold. Restore Main Street. Mea Omnia. Ram Reflection. International Interference. Washing Hands. Arnold Attic.
  • Nguyen Hanh Im so sorry for that
  • Sansan Lim life is unexpected. . just enjoy and greatful for everything that happend in every way. And dont miss to grab any chances happend in your life.
  • Osman Zubes destimy my dear... lets hope for the best.... well wishes
  • Tran Duc Hieu Joey Arnold Goodluck and best wishes for you, Joey!
  • Joey Arnold Remember the things I told you.
  • The Kangaroo English Club Yes, I see a pattern. A pattern where you constantly blame everyone else but yourself. And, quite frankly, as a fellow ex-pat, (Australian), your attitude, ignorance and naivety are cringeworthy. As an employer, (who YOU contacted, even though the advertisement was for Vietnamese English teachers, DUH!), I have taken an interest in your FB page in case I required another native speaker at my school. I am so glad that you provided me with this link as it has provided me with an insight into your mindset, your attitude and, to be direct, your arrogance. You seem to believe that you deserve a job here simply because of your nationality, whereas the opposite is the case. Has it ever crossed your mind that the reason for your constant lack of work opportunities, dismissals and being ignored by employers is because of you?? Are you really that naive?? Do you honestly have the faintest idea about Vietnamese management practices? Are you serious about Vietnamese Language centres upholding contracts with an employee who they are clearly unhappy with: as illustrated by your declining work hours. Do you understand that Native speaking teachers are sorely in demand here, and that the good ones are cherished and revered, the average ones are respected and kept on the payroll and the poor ones are cast aside for the sake of the students they are ruining? How dare you say that these people should hold your hand and support you! And how dare you bring western cultural and religious ideals as a means to judge a foreign country in which you but a mere visitor! This country, with its stringent rules and regulations for foreigners, (and a culture which seems completely beyond you), will chew you up and spit you out, time and time again. My advice would be to go home, and go home now, it simply is not for you! Good day to you.
  • Fahmi Izuddin oouuchh!that hurt....
  • Joey Arnold I should blame myself? What did I do wrong?
  • Kevin Thomer Wow a little bitter there The Kangaroo? You described the problem here in the U.S. You frickin foreigners come in and expect us to kiss your behinds and allow you to suck the life out of our country, most of you can barely speak the language and yet so...See More
  • Joey Arnold The Kangaroo English Club is clearly making fun of me and misunderstanding what I do. People have misinterpret what I do since I was 4 years old when my siblings called me an alien.

    The Kangaroo English Club may not realize that things are not as simple as you may want them to be. I like contacting people. I email a bunch of people to see what may happen. It is called networking. The more people you meet, the more potential opportunities you may get. It is all in the numbers and math.

    I am aware of more than people realize.

    This club says that their ad is only for Vietnamese teachers? I understand, but that is irrelevant. The club assumes that I did not know that or is just saying this to hate on me. You should help people when they need help. Life is better that way. Do not take things too personally. Stand back and think about the bigger more general picture as often as you can.

    This club should not get mad at me.

    This club should say something like, "I am so sorry that we don't have any exact positions available, since we are being racist and stereotypical, and bias, and intolerant of certain colors of people's skins and blood and DNA and nationality, as from the ancestors, which is not fair because we know you are learning Vietnamese, and anybody can be Vietnamese just like anybody can be American, because it is not just about the blood and DNA but more about the loyalty and ties on one's true soul, and please go to this school next door who may hire you, or go to this other school, since we should help, and we will let you know when we may be interested in you, as soon as we are done mocking and making fun of the color of your skin and the fact we don't want to adopt non-Vietnamese into our country like America adopts non-Native-Americans into their USA country, and God bless you, or Buddha bless you or Catholic God bless you."

    Did I say I deserve a job?

    I did not use the word "DESERVE."

    Stop interjecting words into things.

    Stop assuming things based on insufficient information.

    Stop making premature judgement.

    The USA is the best, that is until the New World Order (NWO) takes over.

    But I do not claim that direct royalty.

    But it is a fact that native English speakers/teachers are favored.

    Schools want them more than non-native English speakers.

    That is a fact.

    That is what happens, historically speaking.

    You don't know what my attitude is.

    Because you have insufficient information to know.

    Who am I blaming?

    What did I do wrong?

    Who says I don't blame myself?

    You only know what I write.

    But I did not say that I don't blame myself.

    But what did I do wrong? People should tell me.

    Or I will never know.





    I email schools. They email me back saying I am not qualified, that they can't hire me, because I do not have certain college degrees or teaching certificates. That is their hiring protocol and hiring policy and hiring process, which is archaic, outdated, misguided, ineffective, inefficient, and in need of some intervention, remodeling, restructuring, rethinking, regrouping in a heart beat. I have total recall on that.

    This club is missing the point. Schools should directly confront teachers and tell them what is going on. They should not just give the teachers less hours.

    The Tan Van school said that there was simply less hours for me. When I asked them why I was getting declining hours each month, in how many hours I teach English for each month, Tan Van said there was less hours, as in less classes, less students, and that it has nothing to do with me, with my performance.

    If it does have something to do with me, then that means that the Tan Van school has clearly lied to me directly in my face and that is really bad to be that low and perverted and misguided to lie to people that you should value, especially since all teachers, even bad teachers, have potential, like students, of becoming the best teachers.

    That is called writing people off and closing the books on destiny and fate and potential and the opportunities for lasting growth, as in long-term acceleration and momentum in progress for the students and teachers alike.

    Did I say that Tan Van should support me?








    I am asking for honesty.

    I am not asking for support.

    If somebody has a problem with me.

    Tell me.

    That is all I am saying.

    But the Tan Van school never does that.

    That is bad.

    How can I fix my mistakes?

    If I don't know what those mistakes are?

    If I don't know what I did wrong?

    Correction is vital.

    Discipleship is fundamental.






    I am ruining students?

    Who told you that?

    What are the side-effects?

    Have you talked to my students?

    Does my students hate me?

    Have you ever met me in person?

    What kind of damages am I inflicting onto children?

    Am I abusing them?

    Am I having sex with children?

    Am I yelling at people like some teachers do in Vietnam?





    Dear Kangeroo (I am Joey, a baby Kangeroo) club.

    Why do you use the word "RELIGION?"

    You must hate religion.

    Religion originated in the Eastern world, not the Western world.

    Vietnam is saturated with Buddhism, and secondly Roman-Catholicism.

    The word "RELIGION" means the way we live our lives.

    We CANNOT escape that.






    Judgement is necessary.

    I don't judge, directly, because the judgement was already made.

    Christ judges.

    I am just the messenger.

    Christ is not just a silly RELIGION.

    Christ is our Creator and Savior.

    Whether we know that or not.

    Christ is against the bad parts of socialism and communism.

    Christ is also against the negative aspects of capitalism, as well.





    The club wants me to go home.

    How can I get home?

    Swim across the Pacific Ocean from Vietnam to the USA?

    I don't have money.

    I can't go home.

    If everybody hates me, then I will die.

    It is that simple.

    I have no plan of leaving.

    If I do not find a job, then that will be my end.

    You can burn my body and tell my mother I love her.

    Take care.
  • Original Oatmeal I copied this article to my new Oatmeal In Vietnam Blog where I am writing about my life, and how I am learning Vietnamese, and teaching English, and living an exciting life in Vietnam: